Friday, May 28, 2021

Pear Harbor was successfully bombed on December 7th 1941, due not only to treachery by The Japanese Government. But the base's commander and America's own Racism. The unfounded and irrational fears of the man charge; of Asian Sabotage. Lead him to order every plane out of the secured hangers. And out on to the exposed field. Enemy bombers easily picked off the aircraft, ensuring dominance of the skies. America still hasn't grown out of this, internment camps for our own Asian Citizens. during WWII. We in no way condone, support or endorse the actions of  9/11. Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims and their families everyday. . (FACT) A young Osama ben Laden was wrongfully taken into U.S. Custody and radicalized through his mistreatment and assumed abuse. American's have a long history, of turning on the ethnic group of the moment. Our country is in dispute with. Including our own citizens. This is a propaganda film, that uses racial stereotypes; to incite false patriotism. We do not condone the language or racist subject matter of the 1940's Or the current hate of today. #EraseAsianHate #BLM  are not political, just statements of facts, that not  everyone accepts. Everyone who looks, worships and dresses differently, are not our enemies. Attacking people on the street doesn't make anyone a hero. It shows that person is a coward and may turn an ally, into a future enemy. The real heroes take an oath, wear a uniform and boldly fight the enemies of our country. Both foreign and domestic.   

God Bless America.

                                 Spoilers, if you haven't seen every thing Captain America.

                                       As part of The House of Images and Sounds Charity, we provide education,                                            while entertaining. Above are the first to appearances of Captain                                                                America on film. Contrary to the wrong opinions, by so called fans and experts.                                        We will provide you with the facts, not a good story that sounds good and just                                          sticks in your head.

                                    Way back in 1979, my mother and aunt, took my eldest brother                                                                  and I. To meet Captain America and get autographed comic books. It was during                                      school hours and parent driven hooky. Having been over 43 years ago, screw                                            truancy and attendance prudes. Two tv movies came out that year. Entitled                                                Captain America & Captain America II Gone Too Soon. No one except myself,                                        ever seems to be paying attention to the story. In both the origin story and                                                sequel. They clearly state, that this is Steve Rogers Son. Not the WWII Hero.                                               His powers are from the super serum, extracted from his father.

                                        The costume is different, because it is only a tribute version.                                                                   Captain America's Son, of the same name: Also named Steve Rogers.                                                       Had a van and road a  motorcycle; hence the helmet. The redesign for the                                                 sequel, was his son's design. Paying homage to his late father. The Original                                               Captain America

                This channel was created to support The House of Images and Sounds Charity                       84 2664090 Donations are welcome and tax deductible


Captain America Serial 1944 Captain America 1990

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